Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor has recently elevated his automotive style with the addition of the Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600, marking his entry into the exclusive league of owners of this luxury SUV. This acquisition follows closely on the heels of Kapoor’s purchase of the new Maybach S-Class a vehicle exuding elegance in its pristine white finish. Notably, Kapoor has extended this automotive indulgence to his children, Misha and Zain, by gifting them miniature Mercedes-Benz RC cars for their playful drives around the family abode.
A Glimpse into Shahid Kapoor’s Luxurious Ride
Exquisite Color Choice: Shahid Kapoor’s latest luxury SUV showcases an exquisite Emerald Green color, a sophisticated and contrasting choice compared to the lighter shade adorning his Maybach S-Class. Stepping inside, the GLS interior reveals a tasteful dual-tone beige/brown palette, accentuated with refined wood detailing on the dashboard and steering wheel. Technological sophistication is evident with the presence of two expansive 12.3-inch screens catering to the infotainment system and digital driver’s display.
Shahid Kapoor’s Diverse Automotive Collection
Beyond Maybach: In addition to the Maybach vehicles, Shahid Kapoor boasts an impressive automotive portfolio, featuring ownership of the ML-class, AMG S400, and a curated collection of premium cars such as the Porsche Cayenne, Range Rover Vogue, and performance-oriented models like the Jaguar XKR-S. Currently engrossed in preparations for his role in the upcoming film ‘Deva,’ Kapoor has left an indelible mark with his performances in movies like ‘Kabir Singh,’ ‘Bloody Daddy,’ and ‘Jersey,’ the latter being an adaptation of the Telugu film of the same name.
The Epitome of Luxury: Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600
Flagship Excellence: The Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 stands as the pinnacle of luxury SUVs in India, offering a spectrum of interior customizations to cater to the discerning tastes of elite clientele. Under the hood, it houses a robust 557 PS 4-liter turbocharged petrol engine, complemented by a 48 V mild-hybrid system, seamlessly connected to a 9-speed automatic transmission. Priced at Rs 2.96 crore (ex-showroom), this luxury SUV competes with illustrious counterparts such as the Rolls-Royce Cullinan, Bentley Bentayga, and Range Rover. The Maybach GLS 600 epitomizes automotive luxury and sophistication in the Indian market setting a new standard for opulent rides.
2023-12-21 17:36:25