Ahead of the official launch, the ex-showroom price list of the BS6 Bajaj Avenger series has surfaced online. Under the Avenger series, the Avenger 160 Street is the entry-level cruiser in the brand’s portfolio. As per a recent report by Autocar India, the BS6-compliant model of the bike will come priced at INR 89,536 (ex-showroom). It gets a price hike of INR 7,501 over the BS4 model. The Avenger 160 Street was launched last year as a replacement for the Avenger 180.
Mechanically, the BS4-compliant model of the bike is powered by 160.4cc single-cylinder, air-cooled engine which produces 15HP of maximum power along with 13.5Nm of peak torque. However, the performance figures for the BS6 model of the bike are still unknown.
The addition of fuel injection and a revised exhaust system would surely impact the output figures of the bike. Bajaj Dealers have started accepting the bookings for the BS6-compliant Avenger 160 Street and deliveries for the same are expected to be commenced soon.
Some of the select showrooms of the brand have also started accepting bookings for the BS6-compliant Avenger 220 Cruise and 220 Street. The updated models of the bike would cost INR 1.15 lakh (ex-showroom), which is INR 11,584 higher than the outgoing BS4-compliant models. The first update that these bikes got was a year back in the form of a single-channel ABS unit.
The dealers have revealed that the bikes remain unchanged in terms of design however there are no official details from the company’s side to confirm the same. The performance figures of the 220cc BS6 Bajaj Avenger series have not been revealed.
For reference, the BS4-compliant 220cc single-cylinder engine produces 19HP of maximum power at 8400 rpm along with the 17.5Nm of peak torque at 7000 rpm. As per the details available, the redesigned exhaust system and the addition of the fuel injection system will surely impact the output figures.
The above-mentioned price list is ex-showroom.
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