The BS6 Bajaj Platina 110 H Gear has been launched in India at an ex-showroom price tag of INR 59,802. The BS6-compliant Platina is the most recent motorcycle under the brand’s portfolio that has been updated to meet the BS6 emission norms that are now mandatory in the Indian markets. Bajaj Auto is consistently updating its entire portfolio with the new BS6-compliant models while there are some motorcycle series like Discover as well as Bajaj V that have been discontinued from the brand’s lineup.
Coming to the updated Bajaj Platina 110 H Gear, the motorcycle now carries a premium of INR 3,431 over its BS4 price tag of the front disc brake variant. The updated motorcycle will now be available in a single front disc version while the brand has discontinued the drum brake variant of the 110cc motorcycle from its portfolio.
Powering the motorcycle is a BS6-compliant 115.45cc, single-cylinder, air-cooled, fuel-injected engine that is now capable of churning out a maximum power of 8.5 HP at 7000 rpm and a peak torque of 9.81 Nm at 5,000 rpm. In its BS4 avatar, the same engine was good for 8.6 HP and 9.81 Nm. The engine remains mated to a 5-speed gearbox.
Apart from the addition of a BS6-compliant engine, the motorcycle continues to feature similar design language as well as the same graphic detailing. The front fascia continues to feature a halogen headlight while the handlebar unit has been equipped with a semi-digital instrument console.
The BS6 Bajaj Platina 110 H Gear features the same telescopic forks at the front while the rear remains mated to Nitrox-charged twin-springs. The motorcycle gets 240mm disc brake at the front and a 110mm drum brake at the rear mated to a CBS for additional safety.
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