Delhi Government to Offer VIP Numbers for 2-Wheelers, You Can Get 0001 for INR 50,000

VIP Numbers for 2-Wheelers Starting @ INR 15,000: Buying new motorcycle and worried about getting your desired VIP number? Riders in Delhi will soon be able apply for a VIP number plate through the dealership itself. The decision is almost done as government has introduced a proposal that can be soon implemented for ease of number selection for motorcycle riders.

Legal provision to buy numbers like 0001 and others from dealerships can save them a lot of cost as they will fix a minimum price for every number and ask interested buyers get their number at first come, first serve basis. The portal may also soon offer bidding for these VIP numbers.

Most probably, buyers will be able to secure their desired number in May 2018. They have fixed the minimum asking price for 0001 at INR 50,000 and next eight numbers (002-009) at INR 30,000. Other patterns and fancy numbers like 1111, 9999, 0100, 0786 can be bought for INR 15,000 and INR 20,000.

Delhi Government to Offer VIP Numbers for 2-wheelers

Many buyers, or we can say majority of buyers, are not involved in number selection process as they buy a commute to solve their purpose of travelling with ease. Those looking for limited edition products and having passion for ownership of exclusive products will definitely get benefits out of this scheme.

To buy specific numbers, owners first had to attend auctions and get their hands on their favorite plates. Getting all this done within the dealership will surely save a lot of time and effort of both selling and buying parties. There have been instances when buyers have spent more on the number than the vehicle.

It is a hobby for many while others have made it a way for earning profit through investing in VIP number plates. It is yet to be seen if the scheme stays limited to Delhi or other cities also apply this for increase in revenue and easy handling of matters related to auction and bidding.

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