Indian FTR 1200 S has been launched in India for INR 14.99 lakh. The race-replica variant of the motorcycle is priced at INR 15.49 lakh, with both of them getting INR 2 lakh as the token amount for pre-booking. The unique machine from Indian comes with a 1203cc, V-Twin engine producing 120 HP of maximum power. The inspiration comes clean from the FTR 750 race bike. This typical model is made for those who love sporty riding position but cannot move away from the niche-Indian riding nature.
The motorcycle features stability control from Bosch with 6-axis inertia management and different riding modes. The deliveries for both Indian FTR 1200S and 1200 S Race Replica will start from April 2019. The modern machine is available with a 4.3-inch console screen for easy readability and touch-enabled function. FTR 1200 S can be had in multiple shades and comes with 115 Nm of maximum torque at 6000 rpm. The engine comes mated to a 5-speed gearbox for smooth operations.
The front inverted forks are good for 150mm of travel while rear comes with monotube suspension with same travel as the front suspension. The front and rear brakes are sourced from Brembo, measuring 320mm at the front and 265mm at the rear. The tire size varies for both the ends, with front getting 19-inch, 120-section rubber while rear featuring 150/80-R18 setup. The exhaust flaunts a beautiful 2-into-1 finish on the FTR 1200S. The motorcycle weighs 230 kg with a full fuel tank and all fluids.
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