TVS Akula 310 was spotted testing recently in few spyshots on the Indian roads. Mr K N Radhakrishnan, President and CEO, TVS Motors has now confirmed that the motorcycle will launch in India in this financial year, making the fact clear that it can get any launch date before April 1 2017. The work on a fully-faired BMW G310R was started a long time back but it was not sure whether it would come with a TVS or a BMW badge. The confusion was ended at the 2016 Auto Expo when TVS showcase the Akula 310 and made it clear that the bike based on G310r is going to be a full-faired sportbike.
Akula 310 or the Apache RTR 300 is powered by the same 313 cc engine from the BMW G310R while its power values and actual weight is still unknown. TVS would share many major components including the suspension, brakes and the frame of the motorcycle. It may get a competitive price tag and TVS could provide a 300cc performance bike at a price of KTM RC 200.
Expected Tech Specs & Price of Akula:
TVS Akula 310 Coming This Financial Year
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