Expected to be launched in India next year, these leaked images have revealed the next-generation 2017 Hyundai Verna in production form in China. The images reveal that the production version of the 2017 Verna is based on the same concept showcased at Beijing Auto Show this year. Reports claim that the upcoming Hyundai Verna would measure 4,380 mm, 1,728 mm and 1,460 mm in length, width and height respectively with a wheelbase of 2,600 mm. Honda City has also got the same 2,600 mm wheelbase.
Images show changes in light clusters, bumpers, grille, and wheels. The images also reveal two variants of the Hyundai Verna: One is the entry level variant which features halogen headlights and small steel wheels. The other is a higher variant which will feature LED daytime running lights, fog lights, projector headlights, a sunroof, larger alloy wheels, tinted windows and chrome door handles with key-less entry button.
The 2017 Hyundai Verna will have 1.4- and 1.6-liter petrol engines for the Chinese market which will deliver 100 hp and 123 hp respectively. But for Indian market, it will also come with two diesel engine choices 1.4- and 1.6-litre CRDi units and will be paired to 6-speed manual and automatic transmissions.
2017 Hyundai Verna Caught Undisguised in China!
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