Categories: Cars

India’s First Solar-Powered EV Charge Station Installed By ATUM

India’s First Solar-Powered EV Charge Station Installed By ATUM

India is ranked 3rd in the carbon emission index but is in the 10th spot in the climate change performance index, expressing its stand and priorities to reach the zero-net index. The development of EV sectors is one of the major examples proving the shift in infrastructure in the country. India is set on the path to adopt at least 30% EV by 2030 and reach the desired index by 2070. Along those lines, under the guidance of the government, a lot of new infrastructures are being built to support the EV endeavour.

With the increased carbon footprint, the requirement for environmentally friendly mobility is a necessity. EV is considered the best option at the moment regarding curbing carbon emissions. But is it really the environment-friendly option we think it to be? The smoke spewing machines are not the only contributors to leaving the carbon footprint behind. The production, running and even scrapping could add to the carbon emission of the country. For all the EVs to come out on the road, most might run on the electricity made from the fossil fuels themselves.

Resolving this paradox, the Telangana based Visaka Industries has introduced a self-sustainable EV charging station that will run on solar energy. ATUM Charge, as they named it, is set in Malad, which is the first Solar EV charge station to exist in Mumbai, making it a completely eco-friendly station.

Visaka Industries has installed 16 charging modules, each with the capacity of 325 WP, generating 24 kWh per day and 8760 kWh per year. ATUM claims to change the charging infrastructure in India by eliminating the use of fossil fuels to charge EVs. This is one of the most commendable steps in terms of sustainability and would aid us in taking a leap toward the green revolution.

Rajiv D.: