In order to align with the Government’s idea of electric mobility, the country’s security forces have decided to include Mahindra eVerito in their list of the official fleet as a necessary measure to combat pollution due carbon emission.
The idea will be implemented in partnership with Electric Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL). This is a Joint Venture of Central PSU under the Ministry of Power. The electric vehicles will be used by the Indian Army in New Delhi where a total of ten cars will be operated by the officials in accordance for the functioning of the pilot project.
The Indian Army will increase the number of electric vehicles in Delhi in the coming future with a motive to better efficiency and reduce carbon emission. All these measures have been taken seeing the increasing pollution in the country’s capital which is why there is a shift towards green alternatives.

Recently, a reduction in GST rates for electric cars was noticed where a drop from 12% to 5% was seen which came into effect since August 1, 2019. Another initiative has been taken under the FAME II scheme, which will make the cars available for maximum people with affordable rates.
Our Indian Army has been taking numerous steps in order to solve environmental issues to some extent. To ensure environmental protection the army has a Territorial Army Battalion (ECO) that has been doing yeoman services such as aforestation. The army officials get posted in areas that are ecologically sensitive and remote throughout the country. All these environment-friendly initiatives are taken in coordination with the locals for the wellbeing of the environment’s natural balance.
The Mahindra eVerito has an electric motor that generates a power of 41.4HP and produces a torque of 91Nm. Currently, the car is only preferred by fleet operators but Mahindra is hopeful to find private buyers for the vehicle as well.