Mahindra Scorpio S9 variant was recently launched in India for INR 13.99 lakh. The S9 stays right under the top-spec S11 variant, offering buyers with 140 HP of maximum power and 320 Nm of massive torque. The engine comes mated to a 6-speed manual gearbox. The high output version was earlier specific to XUV500, which now comes with an even more powerful version. Scorpio S9 comes with a long list of features that were missing from the S7 trim, including the 5.9-inch touchscreen with navigation. Some considerable features include automatic climate control, projector headlamps, cruise control and buttons on the steering wheel.
The variant comes with enhanced safety through dual front airbags, ABS and cornering lights. Mahindra Scorpio has no direct rival in India as Tata Hexa is more in-line with XUV500 in terms of equipment and performance. The price range places the same against Hyundai Creta and other urban SUVs. The massive SUV comes with a third row of seats that are best suited for kids in reality. Mahindra is currently working on Alturas SUV and their flagship product is based on the current generation Ssangyong Rexton. They are also planning an entry into the urban SUV segment next year.
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