BluArmor Reveals Bluetooth-Enabled BLU3 E20 Helmet Cooler

BluArmor Reveals Bluetooth-Enabled BLU3 E20 Helmet Cooler

BLU3 E20 helmet cooler has been recently unveiled by BluArmor, a Bengaluru-based start-up company. The successor to the BluSnap and BluSnap2, the BLU3 E20 features Bluetooth connectivity. In addition to this, the helmet cooler now features an adjustable air-flow rate as well as air-flow direction.

According to the brand, the BLU3 E20 offers cool air inside the helmet to make it comfortable for the rider to wear it for longer touring. In addition to this, the brand also promises that the third-gen air cooler allows the helmet to offer 15-degree Centigrade cooler air when compared to the ambient temperature. The BLU3 E20 also offers a 100% increase in the airflow when compared to the previous-gen helmet cooler offered by the brand.

BluArmor has specifically designed the BLU3 E20 for offering a car-like assisted-infotainment experience to the riders. One of the best features offered to the next-gen helmet cooler is the smartphone connectivity which allows the rider to control it with the help of Siri or Google Assistant. The rider can further control the fan speed, turn on/off the fan in addition to checking the remaining battery percentage and more.

In addition to this, the brand has equipped the BLU3 E20 with SAeFex (Situation-aware Actions engineered For an Easy experience) technology that allows the rider to use only a single button to activate the connectivity accessory and avoid operating multiple buttons. The rider can also record geo-aware voice notes with the next-gen helmet cooler.

The technology allows the rider to make voice notes on a particular location and save them automatically. The voice notes will play whenever the rider crosses the same geo-tagged location again. The helmet cooler also dynamically manages the audio volume as well as fan speed based on the riding speed. The BLU3 E20 can also read the rider’s Whatsapp messages whenever the notification arrives.

BluArmor is expected to officially launch the BLU3 E20 helmet cooler at 2020 Consumer Electronics Show expected to be held in January next year. The official price tag, as well as other details, are expected to be revealed by the brand at the launch event itself.

BLU3 E20 Features


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