Oppo Reno has been launched in India for INR 32,990. The phone comes with a 6.4-inch full HD+ AMOLED display with 93.1% body-to-weight ratio, leaving the front section with almost negligible bezels on three corners and a small one on the lower side. Reno comes with a Snapdragon 710 processor with Adreno 616 GPU, 8GB of RAM, 256GB of internal storage and dual SIM support for multiple carrier options.
The phone runs on Android 9.0 and gets Gorilla Glass 6 protection for the front end. The exclusive feature of the Oppo Reno is the shark fin rising pop-up front camera that looks great and can be used for face unlock feature within just 0.8 seconds. The mechanism is faster and not just that, it looks smooth enough to be called fascinating for technology lovers. Oppo claims they have tested the system for 2,00,000 times and thus, chances of error and failure virtually do not exist.
Oppo Reno comes with an in-display fingerprint sensor, 3.5mm audio jack and 3765 mAh of battery with VOOC 3.0 fast charging. The phone comes with a 48MP+5MP rear camera setup, 16MP front camera and Dolby Atmos sound for the best-ever experience. It can be bought in Jet Black and Ocean Green shades in India starting from 7th June.
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