According to dealer sources, Mahindra & Mahindra will host the world premiere of the five-door Thar on August 15, 2023. Mahindra debuted the second generation Thar on the same day in 2020. It has been a huge success and just recently passed the one lakh production mark.
The five-door Mahindra Thar’s close-to-production test mules have been spotted on public roads for over a year, which will aid in widening the off-roader’s range. Customers have also praised Mahindra Thar’s recently debuted RWD model. The five-door vehicle will have an extended wheelbase and longer rear doors to accommodate a more spacious cabin.
The design elements are similar to the three-door Thar but the body panels will likely be entirely new. The boxy design will remain, along with the high pillars, vertical front grille, round headlights, flared wheel arches, spare wheel mounted on the upright tailgate, muscly bumper section, rectangular tail lamps, etc. Its entire track will be extended to promote stability.
The wheelbase of the five-door Mahindra Thar will be about 300mm longer, and new alloy wheels will also be included. The rear door handles are positioned on the pillars this time around. The inside will be comparable to the three-door Thar save for the addition of new amenities as a revamped touchscreen infotainment system is a possibility.
The test prototypes have been observed with individual rear seats only and it will have to be watched and seen whether a bench seat will be offered or not. As for the performance, the same 2.2L diesel and 2.0L petrol engines will be used and they will be paired to a six-speed manual transmission or a six-speed torque converter automatic unit.
It’s anticipated that both 2WD and 4WD models would be offered. The larger Thar’s market debut may be set for 15th August, 2023, because Maruti Suzuki’s five-door Jimny is expected to go on sale early next month and because the five-door Force Gurkha will also be available this year.
2023-05-15 05:38:13