AC Cabins for Truck Drivers to be Mandatory in India from 2025

The Indian government has announced that air conditioning will be mandatory in truck driver cabins from 2025. The move is aimed at improving the safety and comfort of truck drivers, who often have to work long hours in hot and humid conditions. The government has said that the new rule will apply to all new trucks registered in India from 2025. Existing trucks will not be required to have air conditioning. But they will be encouraged to retrofit their cabins with air conditioning systems.

The government estimates that the new rule will benefit around 10 million truck drivers in India. It is expected to reduce the number of accidents caused by driver fatigue, and it will also improve the health of truck drivers. The move has been welcomed by truck driversunions, who have long campaigned for air conditioning to be made mandatory in truck cabins. They say that the new rule will make a significant difference in the lives of truck drivers. It will help to reduce the number of accidents on Indian roads.

The government has said that it will provide financial help to truck owners who retrofit their cabins with AC systems. The help will be provided in the form of a loan, which will be repayable over a period of five years. The new rule is expected to come into effect in 2025.

Here are some of the benefits of having AC in truck driver cabins:

  • Reduces the risk of heat stroke
  • Improves driver comfort and alertness
  • Increases productivity
  • Reduces the number of accidents
  • Improves the overall health and safety of truck drivers

The government’s decision to make AC mandatory in truck driver cabins is a welcome one. It is a move that will save lives and improve the safety of truck drivers in India.


2023-06-23 00:36:53
