The starting price for the Nexon EV in India is Rs. 14.74 lakh. This electric SUV available in two battery pack options was launched a week after its unveiling on September 7. The facelifted model hit the Indian market on September 14, offering six variants and seven color choices. The SUV’s price range spans from Rs. 14.74 lakh to Rs. 19.94 lakh with all prices mentioned being ex-showroom rates. For those interested in purchasing the Nexon EV it is essential to be aware of the waiting period.
As of November 2023, the Nexon EV commands a waiting period of six to eight weeks from the booking date. It is crucial to note that waiting periods may vary based on the location of the dealership, the chosen variant, the battery pack, color preference, and other factors. To obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the waiting period potential buyers are advised to contact their nearest authorized dealership.
The 2023 Nexon EV offers two battery pack options: Medium Range and Long Range. The Medium Range variant boasts a claimed range of 325km equipped with a 30kWh battery pack. On the other hand, the Long Range variant featuring a 40.5kWh battery pack provides an extended claimed range of 465km. Performance-wise the SUV can accelerate from 0-100kmph in just 8.9 seconds and achieve a top speed of 150kmph.
The Nexon EV’s competitive pricing, diverse variants, and impressive battery range make it a compelling option in the electric SUV segment. If considering a purchase, staying informed about the waiting period and reaching out to the nearest authorized dealership are crucial steps in the buying process.
2023-11-24 19:37:12