British luxury carmaker McLaren Automotive on Friday said it is expecting the super sports car segment in India to register 30 per cent growth this year. McLaren is also looking to deliver about 20-odd cars to customers in India after witnessing a blip last year owing to supply chain issues. Earlier the company, which entered the Indian market in November 2022, unveiled its super sports car the 750S, priced at Rs 5.91 crore. Built at the McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC) in Yorkshire, UK and imported as a completely built unit, 750S is the lightest and most powerful series-production from the company, achieving 0-200kms/hour in 7.2 seconds (Spider 7.3 seconds), as per the company.
In a move that signals confidence in India’s automotive landscape, McLaren, the iconic British luxury sports car manufacturer, has forecasted a remarkable 30% growth in the country’s supercar segment for the year 2024.
The Current State of India’s Supercar Market
Before delving into McLaren’s forecast, it’s crucial to understand the existing dynamics of India’s supercar market. Brands like McLaren, with their legacy of crafting precision-engineered, visually stunning supercars, have found a receptive audience among Indian enthusiasts. The existing supercar segment in India comprises a mix of international brands, each vying for attention in a market that is becoming increasingly discerning and sophisticated.
McLaren’s Unique Appeal
McLaren’s presence in the Indian market has been characterized by a unique blend of performance, innovation, and exclusivity. The brand’s range, which includes the McLaren 720S and McLaren GT, has drawn praise for its modern technology, strong engines, and aerodynamic styling.
Factors Driving McLaren’s Optimistic Forecast
- Growing Affluence and Aspirations: India’s economic growth has led to an increase in affluence among a segment of the population. As more individuals achieve higher levels of disposable income, there is a natural inclination towards indulging in luxury experiences, and owning a supercar falls into this category of aspirational living.
- Rising Supercar Culture: The evolving supercar culture in India is another significant factor. Enthusiast clubs, track days, and social media have played a pivotal role in creating a community of supercar aficionados.
- Expansion of Dealership Network: McLaren’s commitment to the Indian market is reflected in its strategic expansion of the dealership network.
- Exclusive Ownership Experience: Owning a McLaren is not just about having a car; it’s about being part of an exclusive club.
The Impact on India’s Supercar Scene
If McLaren’s forecast holds true, the anticipated 30% growth in India’s supercar segment for 2024 could have several far-reaching implications.
- Market Expansion: A surge in demand for McLaren supercars would contribute to the overall expansion of the supercar market in India.
- Competitive Dynamics: The anticipated growth could intensify competition among luxury supercar brands in the Indian market.
- Cultural Shift: A significant growth in the supercar segment signifies a cultural shift in how luxury and performance vehicles are perceived in India.
- Economic Impact: The growth in the supercar segment is not just about luxury; it also has economic implications.
Challenges and Considerations
Infinity Cars is the official dealer for McLaren Automotive in India. Noting that the super sports cars segment may see 30 per cent growth this year, he said that McLaren is aiming to deliver as many as 20 cars to the customers in India. “Last year there was a small blip in sales. There was a gap in production for a few months due to the transitioning from one model to the next. As a result, this year we would like to do about 20-odd cars,” Choudary said. Currently there are about 30 McLaren cars on Indian roads, he said.
As the automotive landscape in India continues to evolve, the surge in demand for high-performance luxury vehicles signifies not just a transactional relationship but a cultural shift in how Indians perceive and embrace supercars.
2024-01-15 20:46:11